Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Top 3 CDMA Tracfone Cell Phones

The Top 3 CDMA Phones Offered by TracfoneCDMA cell phones from Tracfone use the CDMA networks of either Verizon or Sprint. While GSM phones are more widely used by Tracfone customers, using a CDMA phone may work better in your area.Note: With the recent release of four Android powered smartphones available...

Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Tracfone Cell Phone Deals - Great Phones on Sale

Three Phones from Tracfone going for a Great PriceWe always like to keep up with the latest deals that float around the internet, and today we want to share three phones currently on sale for super cheap.Here at de9w2dsl, we strive to help others get the best deal for their money, whether that is through...

Selasa, 16 Juli 2013

Top 3 Samsung Cell Phones from Tracfone

The Top Picks of Samsung Brand Cell Phones from TracfoneSamsung is a major electronics company that has created some of the most popular cell phones on the market.Samsung Brand Cell Phones available through TracfoneTracfone uses several Samsung phones through their prepaid cell phone service and we...

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Tracfone GSM Vs. CDMA Phones

What is the Difference Between GSM and CDMA Tracfones?Tracfone is a low cost, prepaid cell phone service provider that uses other major cell service towers from Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and others to provide service.Tracfone offers two general types of phones - CDMA and GSM. But what is the difference,...